I've had quite the couple of weeks. It's been gleefully up and painfully down. I had a great birthday (yay 31) and my 2 yr relationship ended. So, I am left with the fatigue of late great nights and a heart wrenching love hangover.
Along with my ups and downs I am forced to look over the last few years of my life and I wonder what I could have changed. I'm listing the things I should be accountable for, pondering the wrongs put against me. Perhaps, throwing myself a little pity party.
Question: Could I have tried harder somehow? But- I am so excited to move on. I stop myself from daydreaming about having time to myself because I'm living it. I catch my breath because I have room to breathe. I raise my head in a crowd because I'm not hiding behind anyone. I feel free. Single and free.
I'm looking forward to my 31st year. I'm anxious of what awaits me. I am excited to build better relationships with women and men. Maybe a wine tasting night, or an adventure group... Who knows? What an excellent period in my life to have time to do what ever I want.